Retired Rear Admiral MP Sarath Weerasekera Faces Visa Hurdles for US Study Tour Over “Security Clearance” Issue 

September 26, 2023

Retired Rear Admiral and Member of Parliament (MP) Sarath Weerasekera has encountered a visa obstacle that may prevent him from participating in an upcoming American study tour scheduled for the end of next month. According to Weerasekera, the Parliament Secretariat has notified him that obtaining the necessary security clearance reports for a US visa might be a lengthy process, prompting the American Embassy to request an alternative nominee for the tour.

Weerasekera holds the position of Chairman of the Sectoral Oversight Committee on National Security and was expected to join the study tour along with other Sectoral Oversight Committee Chairmen. However, due to potential delays in obtaining security clearance, the American Embassy has advised the Parliament Secretariat to nominate another MP for the trip.

In response to these developments, Dr. Sarath Weerasekera sent a letter to Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena on September 25, seeking official confirmation of the American Embassy's request to recommend an alternative participant for the study tour.

Weerasekera emphasized that sponsors do not have the authority to treat nominees differently unless there are concerns related to national security. He also noted that during his tenure in the Navy, he had attended various courses in the United States and holds B1 and B2 American visas valid for five years.

In his letter to the Speaker, Dr. Weerasekera clarified that he had no specific interest or motive to participate in the study tour and acknowledged the American Embassy's rights regarding visa issuance. However, he urged the Speaker to formally inquire with the Embassy regarding the perceived differential treatment of one individual in this matter.